Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Around the World in 21 Days-Part 10

Palm Perfection

Why are these trees so perfect? As I was walking the beach path around the hotel property this question came to mind. Then I met Tide, one of the resort's many landscaping staff -he was up and working before most of us get out of bed. I loved watching his agility in climbing the trees to prune them, (he does have spiked boots, by the way). I was wishing I could give it a try- then came to my senses. Let's leave it to the experts! 

Palm Perfection

Our man Tide.

What I decided against trying; this is one experience I'm not going to have.

Starry, Starry Night

Imagine starry skies, a gentle breeze, the sound of waves breaking while music plays. That was the setting for our dinner last night. The ambiance was enhanced by sensational food and followed by a fun demonstration of Hawaiian arts and crafts.
Checker Master

Lots of colourful ukuleles to choose from
I lost badly at the Hawaiian version of checkers but was better at making a fish from grass. I absolutely refused to be defeated by the ukulele, and managed quite nicely to string flowers for a lei. I learned some hot hula moves along the way. The best sound of the evening was the laughter of my new found friends.  

Thinking of those affected by Superstorm Sandy

I hope none of you had friends or family affected by the storm. We're thinking of those who were in the midst of it, and are feeling very lucky to be warm and safe in Hawaii.

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